It is good to know that Hein Schumacher, CEO of Unilever, is in lockstep with my approach to sustainability, that it must be integrated in business performance.

Schumacher recently announced Unilever's new approach to sustainability, and he describes their third era of sustainability as " accelerating delivery, with greater impact, by making sustainability progress integral to business performance." I am glad this approach is clear, as comments earlier from when Schumacher took the helm suggested Unilever was moonwalking on sustainability.
Schumacher's emphasis on Unilever's need to concentrate more on its sustainability approach and allocate resources accordingly is a strategic move. It's a recognition of the pitfalls some organisations face-you can't be all things to all people. Unilever's focus is now climate, nature, plastics, and livelihoods. Their commitment to driving progress through its supply chain and using its voice 'forcefully' to enact systematic change clearly indicates its decisive action and expectations. Dear Supplier, we are in for a ride.
Unilever's new approach is my company, Build Global business as usual. Business sustainability is our area of expertise, and we focus on the supply chain. I am glad the industry is catching up to where we are.
If you want to understand how to drive sustainability in your company that integrates business performance, PM me. It's always been our era.