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Leadership Accountability-'How not to do it'

Part 2

by: Sabrina Clarke

July 26, 2021

"I don't know how I could have known when there are 255 employees here.." Ellen Degeneres

In my first post about leadership accountability, I shared how in my experience, it isn't a typical characteristic.

After announcing The Ellen Show is ending, Ellen was asked about her decision and, of course, the allegations about the hypocrisy of a brand that has been built on kindness while at the same time, employees shared their experience about a toxic environment.

Two of Ellen's responses for me are the biggest red flags that I look for when assessing the organisational culture of the leaders I work with.

She said," For me to read in the press about a toxic work environment when all I have heard from every guest that comes on this show is what a happy atmosphere it is.."

"I don't know how I could have known when there are 255 employees here…"

When a leader does not know what is happening in their company, there is a breakdown in leadership accountability, structure and communication.' Guests', 'Clients', or 'Customers' are not the measure for your internal culture; your employees are. If your employees are saying something is wrong, something is.

Accountability starts from the top, so does culture.